What is IV Therapy Used For?

What is IV Therapy Used For?

Have you been curious about IV therapy? IV therapy has exploded in popularity in recent years as patients around the country look for more long-term, personalized approaches to healthcare. Today, our team at Today’s Integrative Health will discuss what IV therapy is and why we recommend it to our patients.  What Is IV Therapy? IV therapy is…

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What Are The Benefits To Functional Medicine

What are the Benefits of Functional Medicine?

Functional health services have boomed in popularity in recent years. As health and wellness have entered the forefront of more and more people’s minds, finding innovative healthcare solutions has never been more critical. Understanding the benefits of functional medicine will help you better understand why the boom in functional medicine services and the increased focus on personal…

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What Is Meridian Therapy?

What Is Meridian Therapy?

Meridian therapy is a form of acupuncture. Some of you are about to click off the page right now. We know acupuncture scares people away because most of us have a reasonable fear of sticking needles into our bodies. However, meridian therapy is a form of acupuncture therapy that doesn’t use a penetrating needle. 

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