What May Cause Headaches and May Help It?

What May Cause Headaches and May Help It?

Dealing with a headache can be painful, frustrating, and in some cases, debilitating. Whether you experience regular headaches, or even migraines, there are many things you can do to help alleviate symptoms. By working with a practitioner like Dr. Leo or Dr. Rosenberg, you can often discover the root cause and work on returning to…

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Probiotics and Prebiotics

Are Probiotics and Prebiotics the same thing and do we need them both?

Have you ever considered taking probiotics or prebiotics to boost your health and wellness? Many people add these supplements to their daily nutrition regime for additional health benefits. Although they sound similar, they provide different health benefits. In this article, we’ll explore the difference between probiotics and prebiotics and if we really need to take…

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What Are The Benefits To Functional Medicine

What are the Benefits of Functional Medicine?

Functional health services have boomed in popularity in recent years. As health and wellness have entered the forefront of more and more people’s minds, finding innovative healthcare solutions has never been more critical. Understanding the benefits of functional medicine will help you better understand why the boom in functional medicine services and the increased focus on personal…

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